Selection of Fitting Order Times of Gas Turbine Component Characteristic Equation Based on Statistics Evaluation Indexes
中文关键词:  燃气轮机  特性曲线  曲线拟合  特性方程  检验指标  最优拟合次数
英文关键词:gas turbine  characteristic curve  curve fitting  characteristic equation  fitting evaluation indexs  optimal fitting order
赵雄飞,刘永葆,贺星,刘建华 海军工程大学船舶与动力学院武汉430033 
摘要点击次数: 271
全文下载次数: 461
      Aiming at determining gas turbine components characteristics equation's optimal fitting order times in the process of establishing the mathematical model of gas turbine, the statistics evaluation indexes was proposed to evaluate the optimal fitting order times. The approach was adopted for avoiding the noise of measurement data, which was brought into fitting model for the fitting order times too high, and it caused imprecise result for fitting order times too low. The results indicate that the limitations of the experience selecting fitting order times can be avoided by using synthetically fitting evaluation indexs. It is provided a theoretical foundation for selecting optimal fitting order times of characteristic equation.
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