闫锡超1 ,张洪伟 2 ,陈涛2 ,常杰3.TC4合金超声喷丸DEM-FEM耦合仿真分析[J].航空发动机,2024,50(6):161-167
DEM-FEM Coupled Simulation Analysis of Titanium Alloy Ultrasonic Shot Peening
中文关键词:  超声喷丸  TC4合金  残余应力  表面覆盖率  离散元与有限元耦合  航空发动机
英文关键词:ultrasonic shot peening  TC4 alloy  residual stress  surface coverage  coupled DEM-FEM  aeroengine
闫锡超1 ,张洪伟 2 ,陈涛2 ,常杰3 1.齐鲁理工学院 智能制造与控制工程学院济南 250200 2.北京石油化工学院 机械工程学院北京 102617 3.三河市华夏恒泰电子技术有限公司河北廊坊 065201 
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      为了研究超声喷丸工艺参数对TC4合金残余应力场及表面覆盖率的影响规律,利用商业软件采用静态方法建立了离散 元与有限元(DEM-FEM)耦合的超声喷丸3维仿真模型,研究了超声喷丸工艺参数(振幅及丸粒直径)对TC4合金残余应力场的影 响规律;采用节点PEEQ值法和图像分析2种方法获得工件表面覆盖率,研究了振幅对表面覆盖率的影响规律。结果表明:随着振 幅和丸粒直径的增大,残余应力场的特征参量增大,表面残余压应力和最大残余压应力幅值分别可达到-691.83 MPa和-1047.97 MPa,残余压应力层深可达到0.61 mm;随着振幅的增大,表面覆盖率逐渐增大,增幅约为5%。与节点PEEQ值法和图像分析法相 比,利用DEM-FEM耦合仿真方法可以快速获得超声喷丸后的表面覆盖率。
      To investigate the influence of ultrasonic shot peening process parameters on the residual stress field and surface coverage of TC4 alloy, a coupled discrete element method and finite element method (DEM-FEM) 3D simulation model was developed using com? mercial software. The study focused on the effects of process parameters (amplitude and shot diameter) on the residual stress field of TC4 alloy. Surface coverage of the workpiece was evaluated using two methods: node PEEQ method and image analysis, to study the influence of amplitude on surface coverage. Results indicated that with the increase of amplitude and shot diameter, characteristic parameters of the residual stress field increase. Surface residual compressive stress and maximum residual compressive stress amplitude reached -691.83 MPa and -1047.97 MPa respectively, with a residual stress depth up to 0.61 mm. As the amplitude increases, surface coverage gradually increases by approximately 5%. Compared with the node PEEQ and image analysis method, the coupled DEM-FEM simulation method can quickly obtain surface coverage following ultrasonic shot peening.
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