贾亚萍1 ,娄鹏1 ,王德伦 2 ,章焕章 1 ,易浩然 1.基于扭矩分配的高压转子过盈配合静态传扭能力设计方法[J].航空发动机,2024,50(6):137-143
Interference Fit Static Torque Transmission Capability Design Method of High-Pressure RotorBased on Torque Distribution
中文关键词:  高压转子  过盈配合  摩擦系数试验  静态传扭能力试验  航空发动机
英文关键词:high-pressure rotor  interference fit  friction coefficient test  static torque transmission capability test  aeroengine
贾亚萍1 ,娄鹏1 ,王德伦 2 ,章焕章 1 ,易浩然 1 1.中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司上海 2002412.大连理工大学 机械工程学院辽宁大连 116024 
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全文下载次数: 228
      以航空发动机高压转子过盈配合结构为研究对象,开展静态传扭能力验证试验,结合试验结果提出一种高压转子过盈 配合静态传扭能力设计方法,为航空发动机过盈配合传扭能力设计提供理论和数据支撑。基于设计参数、仿真分析和工程经验, 确定影响高压转子过盈配合静态传扭能力的主要因素包括过盈量、摩擦系数和装配工艺;根据影响因素设计高压转子过盈配合静 态传扭能力试验和摩擦系数试验方案,获取在有润滑和无润滑条件下的过盈配合静态传扭能力和摩擦系数;根据试验结果对设计 方法进行修正,最终确定了一种基于扭矩分配的高压转子过盈配合静态传扭能力设计方法。结果表明:基于扭矩分配的高压转子 过盈配合静态传扭能力设计方法的分析结果与试验测量结果的吻合度为91%~98%,具有较好的一致性。该研究为航空发动机高 压转子过盈配合设计和静态传扭能力的考核提供了有价值的试验方案和分析方法。
      Taking the interference fit joint of the aeroengine high-pressure rotor as the research object, static torque transmission capability verification tests were carried out, and a design method for static torque transmission capability of high-pressure rotor interfer? ence fit was proposed based on the test results, which can provide theoretical and data support for the design of the interference fit torque transmission capability of aeroengine. Based on the design parameters, simulation analysis, and engineering experiences, the main factors influencing the static torque transmission capability of the high-pressure rotor interference fit were determined, which include interference amount, friction coefficient, assembly process, etc. According to these influencing factors, the interference fit static torque transmission test and friction coefficient test scheme of the high-pressure rotor were designed to obtain the static torque transmission capability and friction coefficient of the interference fit under lubricated and non-lubricated conditions. According to the test results, the design method was revised, and a static torque transmission capability design method for high-pressure rotor interference fit based on torque distribution was ultimately determined. The results show that the analysis results of the interference fit static torque transmission capability design method based on torque distribution are in good agreement with the test results, with the degree of conformity ranging from 91% to 98%. The research provides valuable test schemes and analysis methods for the interference fit design and static torque transmission capability assessment of an aeroengine high-pressure rotor.
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