姜振和1 ,陈茉莉 2 ,罗贵火 2 ,王卫英 1.基于飞行参数的航空发动机主轴承支反力分析[J].航空发动机,2024,50(6):94-99
Support Reaction Force Analysis on Aeroengine Main Shaft Bearing Based on Flight Parameters
中文关键词:  主轴承  支反力  机动飞行  整机模型  飞行参数  航空发动机
英文关键词:main shaft bearing  support reaction  maneuvering flight  whole aeroengine model  flight parameters  aeroengine
姜振和1 ,陈茉莉 2 ,罗贵火 2 ,王卫英 1 南京航空航天大学 机电学院1 能源与动力学院 2 :南京 210016 
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      为研究飞机机动飞行对发动机主轴承径向支反力的影响,建立了飞机载体坐标系及发动机转子坐标系,采用 Timoshenko梁单元和具有偏心质量的圆盘单元对转子系统进行建模,推导了基于飞参和发动机整机模型的转子系统运动微分方 程。给出了横滚飞参的转速比和飞机加速度等参数,将飞参输入到发动机整机模型中,利用Newmark-β法求解出模型中主轴承 的支反力。结果表明:机动飞行对转子产生的附加阻尼、刚度及激励力会导致主轴承产生沿轴承周向非对称的径向支反力;机动 飞行引起的动偏心使主轴承的支反力增大,各主轴承x向最大轴承支反力增大为非机动飞行时的70.4、48.4、58.9、77.2和125.9倍, y向最大轴承支反力增大为非机动飞行时的4.2、1.3、3.1、2.1和2.9倍。该结论对于航空发动机主轴承的结构设计具有参考价值。
      In order to study the impact of aircraft maneuvering flight on the radial support reactions of the main shaft bearings of an engine, the aircraft coordinate system and the engine rotor coordinate system were established, and Timoshenko beam elements and disk elements with eccentric mass were used to model the rotor system, and differential equations of rotor system based on flight parameters and the whole aeroengine model were derived. Parameters such as the speed ratio and acceleration of rolling flight parameters were given. Flight parameters were input into the whole aeroengine model. In this model, main shaft bearing support reactions were calculated using the Newmark-β method. The results show that the additional damping, stiffness, and excitation force generated by maneuvering flight on the rotor will cause the main shaft bearing to produce asymmetrical radial reactions along the circumference of the bearing. The dynamic eccentricity caused by maneuvering flight leads to the increases of support reactions of the main shaft bearings, and the maximum bearing support reaction in the x-direction of each main shaft bearing increases to 70.4, 48.4, 58.9, 77.2, and 125.9 times that in non-maneuvering flight, while the maximum bearing reaction in the y-direction increases by 4.2, 1.3, 3.1, 2.1, and 2.9 times that in non-maneuvering flight. These conclusions have reference value for the structural design of aeroengine main shaft bearings.
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