张海洋1,2 ,赵振华 3 ,杜少辉 2 ,曹航2.机械加工模拟外物损伤对钛合金叶片疲劳强度的影响[J].航空发动机,2024,50(6):74-80 |
机械加工模拟外物损伤对钛合金叶片疲劳强度的影响 |
Influence of Machining Simulated Foreign Object Damage on Fatigue Strength of Titanium Alloy Blade |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 外物损伤 机械加工方法 带前缘特征模拟叶片 疲劳强度 航空发动机 |
英文关键词:foreign object damage machining method simulated blade with leading edge feature fatigue strength aeroengine |
基金项目:航空动力基础研究项目资助 |
摘要点击次数: 429 |
全文下载次数: 252 |
中文摘要: |
外物损伤缺口,采用步进法开展了带缺口模拟叶片应力比R=-1条件下振动疲劳试验,获得带缺口模拟叶片3×10 7 循环数下的疲劳
强度,建立了缺口理论应力集中系数K t 和有效应力集中系数K f 间的数值关系。结果表明:不同加工精度下相同缺口尺寸模拟叶片
的疲劳强度平均值基本相同,加工精度越低,缺口表面状态越差,疲劳强度分散性越大;机械加工缺口K t 与K f 符合线性数值关系,
K t 越大,疲劳强度越低,K f 越大。机械精加工方法能够通过缺口尺寸模拟给定K t 的外物损伤对疲劳强度的影响。 |
英文摘要: |
In order to establish a prefabrication method for foreign object damage (FOD) of aeroengine blades that meets the require?
ments of engineering development and evaluation, the influence of machining simulated FOD on the fatigue strength of titanium alloy
blades was studied. Simulated TC4 blades with real engine blade leading edge features were designed and machined with three sizes of V-
shaped notches to simulate FODs using two different precision wire EDM cutting processes. Under a stress ratio R=-1, the fatigue strengths
of the notched simulated blades after 3×10 7 cycles were obtained by vibration fatigue tests based on the stepping method, and the relation?
ship between the theoretical stress concentration factor (K t ) and the effective stress concentration factor (Kf) was established. The results
show that the average fatigue strengths of the simulated blades with the same notch size under different machining precisions are basically
the same, and the lower the machining precision, the worse the notch surface finish, and the greater the fatigue strength dispersion; the
relationships of K t and K f is linear, the larger the K t ,the lower the fatigue strength, and the greater the K f .The high-precision machining
method can be used to simulate the influence of foreign object damage with a given K t on fatigue strength through notch size. |
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