袁一曦,郑标颉,滕金芳.不同进口边界条件对压气机带冠静叶 性能影响的数值模拟[J].航空发动机,2024,50(6):48-53
不同进口边界条件对压气机带冠静叶 性能影响的数值模拟
Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Different Inlet Boundary Conditions on the Performance of Shrouded Stator of Compressor
中文关键词:  多级压气机  带冠静叶  进口边界条件  气动性能  泄漏流  航空发动机
英文关键词:multistage compressor  shrouded stator  inlet boundary condition  aerodynamic performance  leakage flow  aeroengine
袁一曦,郑标颉,滕金芳 上海交通大学 航空航天学院上海 200240 
摘要点击次数: 457
全文下载次数: 273
      为了研究多级压气机中前面级总压和气流角参数变化对后面级带冠静叶气动性能和流场细节的影响,以4级低速大尺 寸压气机中第3级转静叶和下游转叶为研究对象,通过改变第3级进口总压和气流角参数,进行了3种进口边界条件的定常数值 模拟。结果表明:进口总压降低提升了带冠静叶的气动性能,20%以下的近轮毂区域总压损失减小13.18%,叶片吸力面边界层厚 度减小,篦齿容腔泄漏流线上扬受到抑制;进口气流角减小使近轮毂区域的总压损失减小9.80%,出口压力系数增大,但落后角径 向分布偏差变大,在出口截面吸力面一侧出现高径向速度区,通道中的涡结构向吸力面偏斜并融入角区,致使出口气流角波动幅 度高达4°。结论可为数值模拟和试验测试的进口边界条件差异对计算结果的影响提供量化参考。
      In order to investigate the effect of total pressure and flow angle on the shrouded stator aerodynamic performance and flow field details in a multistage compressor, the third stage rotor, stator and downstream rotor in a 4-stage low speed research compressor (LSRC) were taken as the research object. By changing the total pressure and flow angle of the third-stage inlet boundary condition, three inlet boundary conditions were simulated by steady numerical method. The results indicate that the shrouded stator dynamic performance improves when the inlet total pressure decreases, and the total pressure loss decreases by 13.18% in the lower 20% span near the hub region. The thickness of the boundary layer on the suction side becomes thinner. The rise of leakage flow in the radial direction is restrained. The total pressure loss decreases by 9.80% near the hub region when the inlet flow angle decreases, and the static pressure coef? ficient at the outlet increases. The variation of the radial distribution of deviation angles is larger, and the region of high radial velocity appears on the suction side at the outlet section. The vortex in the passage deflects to the suction side and integrates into the corner zone, resulting in the variation of outflow angle reaching 4°. The results of this study can provide a quantitative reference for the influence of the difference between the inlet boundary conditions of numerical simulation and experimental tests on the calculated results.
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