黄 发1 ,兰甫1 ,钟世林 1 ,龚晓庆 1 ,陈晖1 ,庄福建 2.并联式TBCC发动机多方案安装布局对比分析[J].航空发动机,2024,50(6):39-47
Comparison and Analysis of Multi-Scheme Installation Layout of Over-Under TBCC
中文关键词:  并联式涡轮基组合循环发动机  安装方案  安装布局  燃气涡轮发动机  冲压燃烧室  单边膨胀组合喷管  载荷分析  结构设计
英文关键词:turbine based combined cycle engine  installation scheme  installation layout  gas turbine engine, ramjet combustor  single expansion ramp nozzle  load analysis  structural design
黄 发1 ,兰甫1 ,钟世林 1 ,龚晓庆 1 ,陈晖1 ,庄福建 2 1.中国航发四川燃气涡轮研究院成都 610500 2.航空工业沈阳飞机设计研究所 扬州协同创新研究院江苏扬州 225000 
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      针对并联式涡轮基组合循环(TBCC)发动机由于双动力、双通道、几何非对称带来的安装及传力难点,选取燃气涡轮发 动机、冲压燃烧室和单边膨胀组合喷管(SERN)3个不同安装单元作为研究对象,根据3个安装单元的连接组合形式以及安装节点 不同布置形式,设计了6种安装方案,分析了不同安装方案在机动载荷和气动载荷下的载荷传递特点和规律。结果表明:全浮动 与冲压喷管刚性连接方案、全刚性与涡轮喷管刚性连接方案的受力特点相似;全浮动连接方案主安装节受力最大;全刚性方案传 力相对全浮动方案的更优,前者相对后者主安装节受力在限制载荷下减小57%,在极限载荷下减小55%;在全刚性方案中,主安装 节设置在涡轮单元上比在SREN上更优。
      In view of the difficulties in installation and force transmission of over-under TBCC engine due to dual power, dual chan? nel, and geometric asymmetry, three different installation units, namely, Gas turbine, ramjet combustor, and single expansion ramp nozzle (SERN), were selected as the research objects. According to the connection combination form of the three installation units and the different layout forms of installation nodes, six different installation schemes were designed, and the load transfer characteristics and laws of differ? ent installation schemes under maneuver load and aerodynamic load were analyzed. The results show that the mechanical characteristics of the fully flexible scheme and ramjet+SERN rigid connection scheme are similar, so are the fully rigid scheme and turbine+SERN rigid con? nection scheme; The fully flexible scheme has the maximum stress on the main mount; The force transmission of the fully rigid scheme is better than that of the fully flexible scheme. Compared with the latter, the former reduces the force on the main mount by 57% under limited load and 55% under ultimate load; In the fully rigid scheme, the main mount is better placed on the turbine unit than on the SREN.
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