李大为1,2 ,王奕首 1 ,李军2 ,谢业平 2 ,张博文 2 ,夏迩豪 2.军用航空发动机气路故障诊断技术进展[J].航空发动机,2024,50(6):1-12
Review on Gas Path Fault Diagnosis Technology for Military Aeroengine
中文关键词:  气路故障诊断  健康管理  军用航空发动机  自适应循环发动机
英文关键词:gas path fault diagnosis  health management  military aeroengine  adaptive cycle engine
李大为1,2 ,王奕首 1 ,李军2 ,谢业平 2 ,张博文 2 ,夏迩豪 2 1.厦门大学 航空航天学院福建厦门 361005 2.中国航发沈阳发动机研究所沈阳 110015 
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      随着航空发动机健康管理系统中气路故障诊断技术的日趋进步,从提高飞行安全性及降低视情维修成本的角度出发, 越来越多的军用航空发动机在研发过程中更聚焦于气路故障诊断设计。为了提升发动机工作安全性,系统梳理了国内外军用航 空发动机气路故障诊断技术的发展历程,并按4个阶段对技术特征进行总结归纳。核心研究了基于数学模型、数据驱动和信息融 合的气路故障诊断的一般方法和各自方法的优缺点,并提出了军用航空发动机气路故障诊断的关键技术,针对先进军用变循环发 动机的特点和需求,给出了军用发动机气路故障诊断设计工程上应分阶段实施、利用机载实时模型开展不可测参数与可测参数关 联研究、加强模式转换等过渡态气路故障诊断设计、辩证地处理控制系统和健康管理系统的功能分配关系等,可供中国未来开展 自适应循环发动机的气路故障诊断设计时参考。
      With the advancement of gas path fault diagnosis technology in the aeroengine health management system, more and more military aeroengines focus on gas path fault diagnosis design in the development process from the perspective of improving flight safety and reducing condition-based maintenance cost. To enhance the safety of engine operation, this paper systematically reviews the evolution of gas path fault diagnosis technology for military aeroengines at home and abroad and summarizes the technical characteristics in four stages. The research focuses on the general methods and their pros & cons of model-based gas path fault diagnosis, data-driven gas path fault diagnosis, and information fusion gas path fault diagnosis. Key technologies of gas path fault diagnosis for military aeroengines are proposed, and the development trends are discussed, including conducting research on the correlation between unmeasurable parameters and measurable parameters using onboard real-time models, strengthening gas path fault diagnosis design in a transient state such as mode conversion, and rationally handling the function allocation relationship between the control system and the health management system. At the same time, in response to the characteristics and requirements of advanced military variable-cycle engines, suggestions for phased implementation of gas path fault diagnosis design during engineering development are provided. It can provide references for China's future development of gas path fault diagnosis design for adaptive cycle engines.
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